Police officers: are subject to complaints and legal action

How do you complain about the Police officers?

  • There are many things you can complain about.
  • Police officers and staff, including cadets or special constables
  • The quality of the service you receive in your locality
  • Toughening police policies and procedures can be contacted at your local MSP, MP, or community involvement officer.

Police officers conduct can be complained about. You can complain about Police officers conduct on or off duty. It is possible to complain about the following:

You could, for example, complain if you are stopped and searched by police officers. Learn more about stop and search.

If you make a complaint, you won’t be able to get financial compensation. An officer could be disciplined or retrained, or you can ask for an apology. You may be eligible to file a legal action or seek compensation.

It is very serious to make a complaint about a police officer. False or malicious complaints can lead to you being charged with wasting time. You could be charged with wasting police clause time if you make a false or malicious complaint. If you have witnesses and evidence to support your complaint, it will be helpful.

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Nobody can complain

If you were directly or indirectly affected or witnessed by the police, you can file a complaint.

If you are facing criminal charges, you can still complain to the police Scotland about their actions.

You can have someone else complain about you. You can complain to a solicitor, MSP or friend, or even a parent.

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How to complain Police officers

Police Scotland should be contacted.

You can complain to the Scottish police culture Authority about a Senior Police Officer, such as a Chief Constable.

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To keep a record of your complaint, it is best to write it. You can contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau to help you write your complaint.

What happens if you complain?

Your complaint will be investigated by the police. Police Scotland will investigate your complaint.

The Police officers might decide to:

The outcome of an investigation should be disclosed as soon as possible. The outcome of the investigation cannot be disclosed to you in detail as it is confidential. These documents are confidential and cannot be used to support any legal action against the Police officers for damages.

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